Thursday, October 21, 2010

10/21/10 Seminar in Media & Design Studies

These are my notes from class take it all with a grain of salt.

In Looking at Sullivan's Art Practice as Research
  • Applied Research and how digital humanities has taken up Applied Research... engage technologies in research

  • always necessary transformative research ...rearranges how things are taken up and done. Rearrange habits, rituals, cultural habits.

  • inflection of applied research as transformative research

  • Digital humanities ...there are people who are not happy with this. Evacuation of the intellectual property of humanities. Not suppose to take up with fads. Their province of research was in transcendental questions ...anything that smacked of doing anything that was part of addressing the populist

  • Train classics, ancient greek / latin -- still need to be documented. There's still plenty to be done. Traditional humanists don't see it as applied in the same way... don't want to be justified in contemporary terms.

  • Traditional humanists ...text based interpretation of research
Digital Humanities state out of these new practices come new questions to ask.

Producing Techno-Culture Innovation ...Anne Balsalmo's idea

The Humanities for Tax Payers by Megan Morris

Art Practice is interventionist work. Art engages with the material, what its researching and in its engag

Anne: Technology is broader than the tools. It's the arrangements

Cultural Studies
What is culture?
Culture is always technological, technology is always cultural ...don't bifurcate, ie: technology = tools, and then it separates it from culture. Apprehension of the technolocgical is always culturally inflected. It differes throughout history, and culture from culture.

Anthropological approach to culture ...anem for human practices that are exhibited in a group of practices in a
Margaret Mead, study of islanders ...culture approach, culture is the practices and several kind of meaning-making practices (language, etc) -- particpated in meaningfully ....naturalized culture, a way of bounded way. (ie: in the 60s)

After the 60s Antrhopological issues ...discipline of Anthropology ...culture as abounded concept
Multiple cultural theories
Anthropologies as acoloniast project ...has tools in a way of fixing it in time. Naturalize culture as a provence of that group that is bounded.
We impose on them a definition of culture (less developed culture, primitive culture ...invocation of a natural culture)

Post-colonialism forget that ...we're transforming that group into a technological way

It's not you studying someone else's culture ..but way to engage with multiple cultures.
Technological process, resources, part of the natural world.
Coloniasts have science on their side ...any concept of culture was always processing

The Colonial Harem by Malek of the others watching the observers, when the others look back.

Birmingham tradition. Bifurcation of technology and culture isn't useful.
Technology Culture Primer (Greg Weis
** notions of formations, notion of a cultural assembly
** constitution of the social ...doesn't pre-exist, constitute through the practices

"Circuit of Culture" models what culture reproduces (taken from Culture, Media and Identities series (london: Sage, 1997)

Marxism as Cultural Theory Marx talked about why the workers continued to be oppressed. Rise of the middle class. Theory of exploitation. No longer a direct relation to the production. I produce and unlike producing on the farm where I have a direct relationship to what I produce (farm = food for home). Marx unalienated my fruits of my labor. Move into the urban spaces. Wanted to talk to them about how they can be masters of their own destiny

Cultural Studies starts with a critique of high culture. Founded on a critique of the form of value. Everyday culture is not worthy. Purpose of education (early culture studies critique) is to inculturate the masses of the value system of the elite. Brought into schools, treated to literacy, etc. Not for the purpose to empower them, but to bring them into power dynamic where culture elite is what we should aspire too.
  • Question posed: How does culture get reproduced so it can be reproduced in more powerful ways? How could you change culture to be more empowering?
Modalities of Culture in Cultural Studies
  • High / Low Culture (that is a value judgment, see it institutions all the time)
Popular Arts by Paddy Wenell -- looks at all the arts that are created by everyday people. Founding moment for cultural studies ...our transformative intervention is to not just study high culture but everyday life.

This leads Raymond Williams to redefine culture as the practices of everyday life. He also comes up with a different way to taxonomize culture ...dynamism of culture (dominant, emergent, residual) ...always in a process of reproduce. Its value doesn't get set up once and for all. Value of high art is reproduced.
  • Interested in the conditions of emergence ...whereby new forms of cultural expression are created, incubated, expressed, designed, manfested -- intentionally or not.
  • Some cultural products become valued and they're maintained over time... There's an ediface that's affixing them with cultural value.
  • Seeing an explosion of popular forms of culture... start to see the popular arts of everyday people. What are the dynamics? Based on analyzing the popular arts that this model comes up, "Circuit of Culture"
  • Example -- Discourse Analysis of the Sony Walkman
  • Today, reflection between consumption and production would not be so separate today -- think HJ's convergence.
What is the circuit of culture for DIY culture? How does DIY culture reproduce cultural understandings and practices?

Cultural reproduction as a circuit through which flows happen...distributed cultural formation -- image that shows school in the 21st century. Someone has to intentionally produce the relationships between the different places, ie: universities, home, afterschool programs, libraries, streets, museums, recreational / entertainment venues, cultural and religious centers, etc

Discussion of Anne Balsalmo's Ch 4 models
* Where the digital generation learns?

* The University as Site of Technoculture Innovation
  • In a circle and all connected -- Learner-Centered Pedagogies, New Research Questions, Transformative Applied Research, Technology Prototyping, Publications & Outreach, Technologies of Literacy, Disciplinary Programs, New Educational Programs
  • Where did Labrynth (USC Cinema school project) a decade ago come up with their new forms of teaching?
  • Technologies of Literacy is the most lacking do you change your classroom to allow your students to read / write in new ways, participate in the media they are studying.
  • Account for the reproductive moments in the innovation cycle
  • Innovation is not about technology ...its about helping to shift culture
Articulation practices ...what are the broader cultural practices meaningfully now
Why are we studying this now?

Mimi ...interest driven relationships, object of study: creation of a community of interest / anthropological look

Model of a distributed learning environment, the nodes that represent spaces and places of learning
de Certeau ...difference between space and place. "A space is a practiced place."
Look at Whyville, etc (spaces) ...where are these
"A place is a practiced space."
Not look at the virtual spaces but the actual places that organize practices, stage that embodies practice. The role of the body, reinsert the body to virtual possibilities... School in the digital age is the place where bodies go.
Another constellation of practices shaped in different ways
Articulation = Notion of this that's central to cultural studies, notion that articulation is the connection between 2 things (2 disparate elements) ...make an art piece and they become one, a sutured ensemble.
Stuart Hall -- Cab of a truck / Bed of a Truck ...meeting of the 2 is an articulation and we call it a semi (Sutured Ensemble). Elements that have the integrity on their own come together and create a new ensemble.

Material practices
Building technologies are articulatory practices
Adding a chemical to a chemical is an articulatory practice
Articulating symbolic meaning of the ensemble ...physical bring into connection, forging a new ensemble ...articulating the meaning of, not in isolation. Dual meaning of articulation. This is the basis of Articulation Theory (grounded in Gromsky) ...culture gets reproduced moment to moment by people's individual activities. Gromsky sees the individual as a plurality.

Identity is itself an ensemble... construct my identity by pieces of my lived experience... clothes i wear, technology i use, sense of my competency, networks all the way down.

Every node is a constellation, its already an ensemble, embedded in networks.
We inherit this intellectual enterprise...

Use that we are a network of networks to inform your theories. Philosophical foundation.
How does that network configure? Regularities in the network?

Latour focuses on the assembly of narrative. John Law / aircraft stories
Look at Decentering the Object in Technoscience
** object was preassembled to be fixed. Law takes up how to decenter an object, never priviledge it as being the only thing to answer the questions.
** Gets from latour ...creation of the stories that circulate the object that in the end makes the object something different than it actually it is. The heterogeneities ...object in multiple stories, the object is something different for each story.
** Every stakeholders had a different story.
** the object is all of these things but it does cohere across stories. Law has this great notion of assembling and reassembling the project / object and the identity of itself. How do you create an identity for yourself as the one that has a priveledged relationship wtih the object ...his identity as pre-digest of the object of something
Chronicle his own identity and its relation to multiple stories ...its networks all the way down.
Identity about being reassembled through the process of tracking the object in multiple stories
How do I write the story of the projects I've been involved in when none of the projects were singular? I enact a subject position through my writing. I am the subject who was remembering. I'm not the subject of one that participated in the story... the fixity of my own story, this is only one story ...a fiction as much as a cultural archiving.
Latour ...fantasm and the symbolic
Law ...makes sense of it through material practices, an account of analytical processes of an object

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